Sfards and their odd first release: SF100

So just who is Sfards?

Sfards is a new company that is the result of a merger between well known scrypt company Gridseed and WiiBox. They build miners with their own chips and have been working on dual chips as their main focus, this being the SF3301 Chip, it mines scrypt(2.0 J/MH) and Sha-256(.3 J/Mh), their first Miner to use this is the SF100 but it has had quite a weird release.

So everyone was quite excited of the idea of a new miner coming out, with the news of spreading and people ready to take their orders Sfards awkwardly only gave out an email address. When potential customers tried to buy the miner they were told it had a 1000 Minimum Order, this didn’t stop everyone as potential group buys were being planned but SFARDS refused to give a price! After some time a rumor came around that the price was 1200$ a miner, this being ridiculous at 1000 units moq it was mocked pretty quickly but apparently secretly sold out.

Zoom forward a bit oned yet although one user is saying he has 5 at their farm but the quality is lacking and only 1 hashes at the promised speeds, 2 are dead and the other 2 don’t run at the right rate.

So is the Sfards SF100 worth it? Will it ever be worth it?

Short answer now is No, and the only way this miner will be worth it is if it goes down to around 800$ a unit and the quality goes up, until then I recommend staying away from SFARDS and any of their miners.


CloudThink.IO and their new Miner

Today CloudThink.IO has announced a new miner but not in the traditional sense, they announced it by offering 30 units as free units for testers. This quickly caught the eye of many users on Bitcointalk.

A little information CloudThink.io, it seems they were a cloud mining site that has been long with their troubles of being accused as a ponzi and not paying their signature members.

Thier miner is the  CloudThink Imperator, it is said to be an 8TH/s miner running off 28nm chips (these are the same style of chips Bitmain uses in their Antminer line) and at 4800w it is 0.6w/GH.

Here is where it starts to get a bit interesting, they say it is in a standard ATX case (Regular PC case) and has only 4X 120mm fans. This seems far too low to keep anything producing that much heat in a standard atx from burning up. Cloudthink.io has also stayed away from uploading a physical picture but only a render. Cloudthink has made one of the requirements that if you are picked to receive this miner you are to start the review post now, the only thing this does is flood the forum with post on  Bitcointalk. Many are speculating this is a scam to sell some preorders to an imaginary miner and never deliver based on the hype and free advertisement they are currently getting.

Personally I think it is a scam, the dimensions and heat just don’t add up and they could have easily posted a picture by now, it just goes to show how desperate the Hardware community is for new asics.Imperator22

The 30-40$ more secure wallet!

I have been trying to find cheaper secure wallets and think I have come upon a solution.

Now there are two types of wallets, there are Hot wallets (for spending) and Cold Wallets (offline no spend and secure).

So here are the steps to a 30$ cold storage or secure  wallet!

1. Go to the store and pick up the cheapest prepaid android phone (or use this amazon link for a cheap one :http://amzn.to/1UijdIj)

2. Try to use the phone without a simcard (this should work for most phones but if it doesn’t you will need to pay around 5$ for an unlock code or check online for software)

3. Use a micro sd or usb cable to transfer the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet APK

4. Create a wallet offline

There you go! A secure offline wallet that you can turn into a hot wallet anytime or use a hotspot as the only wifi on the device and use it as a more secure wallet! th

Dear Crypto Community

I am starting this blog as hopefully an alternative to the shilled blogs and pure nonsense. I know sadly WordPress isn’t the best around but it will have to do until this gets bigger (if it does).

So here is what to expect from this blog!

Guides to innovative ways to handle crypto currency

Mining reviews

Site reviews and hardware reviews.download (2)